30 Faces of Look Good Feel Better – Louise Willis
Louise Willis is one of our original volunteers. Since the mid-1990s, she has been with us through thick and thin, and we can’t thank her enough for what she has done.
In 1994, while working for Clinique in Debenhams in Southampton, Louise signed up as a volunteer and has since helped transform the lives of thousands of people facing cancer, helping them regain their self-confidence, and supporting them to look and feel better.
Louise is our lead volunteer, and while still working for Clinique on a part-time basis, she is also responsible for coordinating our regular twice-monthly workshops at Southampton General Hospital.
“In the 90s, we started the workshops with about four to five women per workshop, usually aged 50 and over. Even then, the goodie bags were so popular with an abundance of products from eye creams, day and night creams, and perfumes. Nowadays, we meet so many younger women in our workshops. Our goodie bags continue to be a highlight of the workshops and allow beneficiaries to try out many different products.
“My advice to anyone considering volunteering is: it means so much to be able to offer our service to people and it makes such a difference. Volunteering is uplifting, who wouldn’t want to be part of that? Even if you can only offer a small amount of time, the beneficiaries love it. It is a chance to focus on something other than cancer and to make friends. You will help make someone’s day and you can’t put a price on that.”
Louise has a very busy schedule, as a mother to three daughters and seven grandchildren aged up to 18, but her work for Look Good Feel Better remains important to her.
“Things have changed over the years, especially with Covid-19, when the workshops had to move on-line. However, our services are needed today more than ever before, and I am proud to be part of it.”
Thank you, Louise, for many years of incredible dedication, professionalism and never-ending energy!
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