30 Faces of LGFB – St Austell Soroptimists

Since 2017, the members of St Austell Soroptimists have passionately supported the work of Look Good Feel Better and as a community group, to date have raised over £10,500 which has helped fund the charity’s workshops across Cornwall. Thanks to their continued support, in the last decade we’ve been able to extend our in-person and virtual services across the district, ensuring our support is available to people even in the most remote of locations.

Kay Turner, joint President of the SI St Austell & Disctrict talks to us about what has inspired and motivated the group to support the charity year after year and their plans for supporting us during our 30th anniversary year.


  1. Can you tell us a little bit about the St Austell Soroptimists?

Soroptimist International is a worldwide women’s organisation. Soroptimists form a global network of 66,000 members in around 120 countries and have a special status at the UN which helps us to engage with Soroptimists worldwide.  Soroptimists work on dedicated projects locally, nationally and internationally with a focus to transform and improve the lives of women and girls, everywhere.   The St Austell Club, the only Club in Cornwall, was chartered in 1978 and we currently have 58 members.  We meet twice a month, for a Club meeting and a Club social event.  Members work in committees and groups to achieve many aspects of our project work, which we call Programme Action, and one of our charities which we have embraced and continue to fundraise for over the past 7 years, is Look Good Feel Better.

  1. When, and how, did you first become involved with Look Good Feel Better?

As a Club, SI St Austell & District support and fundraise for a number of local charities throughout the Club year.  In 2017, I recognised the work and the positive impact Look Good Feel Better workshops made on women going through their cancer journey and organised a fundraiser at my home, which was well supported by her Club, local friends and family.

  1. Has your involvement changed over time?

As our first fundraiser proved successful, our second fundraiser was staged on a slightly larger scale at a local village hall, where stallholders were invited to attend plus having a larger kitchen facilities enabled us to provide a wide variety of food items, cakes and our famous ‘Cornish Cream teas’.  (Cream on top!)  Fast forward 5 years, in 2023 we hosted our 7th fundraiser, which is now an annual event in our Club’s calendar and being the last weekend in October, this also celebrates Breast Cancer Month.  The venue is now a large church hall in picturesque Charlestown.  Locally advertised as our ‘Autumn Fayre’, the popularity of the event is such that friends and supporters of our Club make it their ‘Pre-Christmas’ event.  We have welcomed many through our doors over the years and last year were delighted to see our local Look Good Feel Better Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement Manager Stephanie Good.  (She was put to work straight away on a stall!)

  1. What motivates and inspires you about Look Good Feel Better and to keep supporting their work?

Through reading the newsletters and following the newsfeeds on Facebook, which we avidly share with fellow members and supporters, it is so gratifying to learn of the positive impact the workshops make on women, girls and men who are recovering from their cancer treatments.

  1. What have been the highlights of being associated with the charity?

The fact that the Look Good Feel Better team recognise our efforts and our fundraising with such positivity helps us to remain engaged with the charity.  The Senior Fundraising Manager and her team keeps in touch with us and over the years have visited our Club to emphasise and remind us all of the importance of our fundraising and how much it is appreciated.

  1. Why do you think a charity like Look Good Feel Better is important?

When reading statistics which state that one in two people will suffer from cancer, Look Good Feel Better is a charity which brings hope, positivity and confidence back into the lives of everyone recovering from cancer.  Every beauty professional who supports the workshops give their time freely, which makes a huge positive impact on the visual and mental effects on those living with cancer. The support the charity provide is ‘life changing’.

  1. How do you plan to celebrate with Look Good Feel Better during the charity’s 30th anniversary year?

The date is already in our diary!  Our annual Autumn Fayre is Saturday 26th October 2024 at Charlestown Church Hall 10.30 am – 4.30 pm.  We will be very proud to again showcase the work and achievements of Look Good Feel Better and the church hall will again be decorated with an array of pink!  (If you’re in the area, why not come along?)

SI St Austell & District are very proud to be associated with Look Good Feel Better and delighted to be asked to contribute to their 30 faces campaign.  Thank you and every good wish to the charity for the next 30 years!