Fantastic Film Fundraiser Raises £3,298!
On March 20th, the wonderful ladies at the Circle of Eight Group hosted a Film Fundraiser at the Reel Cinema in Borehamwood. They successfully raised £3,298 through tickets sales, a raffle, and generous donations!
Organiser, Paula had this to say…
“We chose to support Look Good Feel Better as one of our group is unfortunately going through cancer treatment. It’s a wonderful charity and we’re really happy our event was so successful.”
Our lovely lead volunteer of our Royal Free workshops, Marianne Poyiadgi also spoke about Look Good Feel Better to raise awareness of the charity and to thank the group for organising such an amazing event.
Marianne commented saying…
“It was a wonderful and well-organised evening which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The Circle of Eight ladies did a fantastic job ensuring everyone at the film screening knew about the work of Look Good Feel Better and the impact their donations on the night would have. A wonderful show of a community coming together to support our local services!”
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