Look Good Feel Better Makes BBC The One Show Appearance
Recently Look Good Feel Better were offered a fantastic opportunity to take part in a documentary with the BBC One Show and Strictly Come Dancing star Amy Dowden, who was diagnosed with cancer last year.
Jane Chadwick, from Solihull, was one of two beneficiaries who bravely agreed to be filmed as part of the documentary, and what an exciting experience it was. Everyone got together in a studio in Birmingham and a skincare and makeup workshop was simulated with Amy taking part to demonstrate the support we provide.
Jane, who had previously taken part in one of our workshops, was happy to be involved in the programme and to share her own experience.
It was following a routine mammogram in 2023 for over 50-year-olds, that Jane was recalled for further tests. Within a few weeks, she received the diagnosis: it was breast cancer.
Jane, who worked in inductions and appraisals for the NHS, had always been very active. She had a busy life, with her fiancé Ian, teenage boys, a busy job, and an active social life, with regular fitness sessions at the gym thrown in!
Chemotherapy treatment brought about big changes, but friends and family played a tremendous role in supporting Jane and helping her keep her spirits up. In fact, it was her great friend Sarah who took her to one of the skincare and makeup workshops.
Jane was impressed with her experience. She says:
“Sally, who led the workshop, was incredibly welcoming and friendly. Everyone was soon chatting away and the noise levels were rising steadily! Everyone had such a great time and afterwards, I practically bounced out of the workshop.
“It is great that you have a choice of face-to-face workshops for when you are feeling more energetic, and the on-line workshops are suitable for when you are not ready to face the world.”
After filming with the BBC One Show, Jane summed it up:
“The charity deserves all the good publicity it can get, it makes such a difference to people.”
We would like to express a huge thanks to Jane for taking part and being such a great sport and we wish her all the very best for her continuing treatments. You can watch a clip of the One Show feature here.
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