Press Release: Norwich woman raises £2,837 for Look Good Feel Better – by shaving her mullet!
A Norwich woman has taken her latest fundraising challenge head-on by shaving her hair in support of cancer support charity Look Good Feel Better.
Amy Causton, 36, had been sporting a 1980’s bleached mullet hair style since lockdown during Covid – with a perm added later – when she decided it had to come off, and all for a great cause. Amy, an account manager for fragrance company Kenneth Green Associates working at Frasers in Norwich says:
“We all know the mullet is the most superior hairstyle in existence and I love mine, however to raise funds for an amazing charity I wanted to shave it all off. That’s right, no more Tiger King vibes, but hopefully with some support I could raise a nice amount for Look Good Feel Better.”
The headshave was held at The Rose pub in the Queens Road, Norwich and raised an incredible £2,837 to date for Look Good Feel Better, which delivers cancer support services in local communities across the UK through a series of face-to-face and online group workshops. Workshops are free to join, and are dedicated to improving the physical appearance and overall wellbeing of people living with cancer.
“Cancer can impact anyone. Several members of my family have had cancer. I had heard a lot about the charity through a colleague at work who had cancer, so I know just how important their work is. Their workshops really help people regain their confidence at a difficult time,” adds Amy.
“I was a bit nervous about shaving off my mullet, but it was 100% worth doing! I’d do it again in a flash!”
The next Look Good Feel Better workshop is being held at Norwich City Cancer Support Centre on 20 November 2023. The workshop is free to attend for anyone living with cancer. For more information, see
If you would like to support Amy’s fundraising efforts, click on this link to make a donation: https://www.justgiving.com/page/amy-causton-1688821779473?utm_medium=fundraising&
For further press information, contact [email protected]
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