Let’s Go For Brunch

Let’s Go For Brunch is a chance to gather your friends, family and colleagues and take time to reunite and relax whilst helping ensure many more people to face their cancer with confidence. 

You can hold your brunch at home, at work or in your community, it’s a moment to bring everyone together to enjoy some delicious refreshments, catch up and enjoy having fun raising money for Look Good Feel Better.

Let’s Go For Brunch official week takes place from Saturday 22 – Sunday 29 June 2024 (World Wellbeing Week), but you can host your event whenever you like.

Download your Let’s Go For Brunch fundraising pack and fundraising materials below. 

Let’s Go For Brunch Fundraising Guide

Brunch Invitations

Brunch Promotional Poster

Brunch Online Fundraising Poster

How Your Money Helps Poster

Let’s Go For Brunch Social Media Assets