How Look Good Feel Better helped during a challenging time
When Georgie-May from Hertfordshire was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 29 in May 2021, it changed everything. Georgie was soon undergoing a series of intensive treatments and her busy lifestyle had to be put on hold.
Georgie, an actress, had just got engaged before the Covid pandemic struck and she and her fiancé had started the exciting process of planning their wedding. Now, though, everything had to focus on her diagnosis: ultrasounds, mammograms and chemo and radio therapy treatments took over. Even Christmas took a back seat, and no festive tree was put up that year.
It was at a time when Georgie was feeling particularly vulnerable, that someone mentioned the charity Look Good Feel Better, suggesting it might be able to offer her support and help her connect with other people undergoing similar treatment.
“It was the name that resonated with me,” says Georgie, “Just the idea of ‘feeling better‘ was so important to me. I looked up the charity online and signed up immediately to take part in a skincare session.
“What made such a difference to me was the chance to meet and connect with other people who could really understand what I was going through. It was also a relief to talk about other normal everyday things. It felt safe and was really inclusive. Simply put, it made you feel normal and that is why I would recommend it to anyone in a similar situation.”
Georgie has since encouraged her uncle to take part in an on-line workshop for men, which he thoroughly engaged in and was able to benefit from.And now, Georgie is again busy planning her wedding in December, which will be the perfect winter celebration including all the Christmas trees she missed out on last year.
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